
Tuesday, September 9, 2014


On September 8th, 2014 LeSean "Shady" McCoy enjoyed his lunchtime with 3 friends at PYT Restaurant.  Unfortunately, his server Rob did not.  According to the restaurant the multi-millionaire tipped his waiter a measly $.20 on a $61.00 bill.  Thank goodness the owner of the restaurant is an empathetic man and decided to post the receipt and tip to his company's facebook page.  The post has mostly received support from the public however sites like "Bleacher Report" have decided to blame the restaurant for poor taste . . . Bleacher Report's View on the Topic

Earlier today the owner decided to write an explanation to why he had posted the receipt on PYT'S facebook page . . . Owner's Explanation

So despite "Bleacher Report's" claim that the original post "backfired" we here at "NFL SHOCKER" wish that everyone had a boss that stood behind his/her employees the way this owner did.  Ohhh . . . and not to mention the FREE advertising that PYT has came across for being decent human beings.

This story is just starting to pick up some steam as seen here on Yahoo . . . Yahoo News